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شماره تماس: +98.21.2227.1553

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CA 92614

شماره تماس: +1.949.385.2703

Atlantic Immigration Program

Understanding the Atlantic Immigration Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) is a collaborative effort between the federal government of Canada and the four Atlantic provinces: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador. It was introduced to address these provinces’ demographic and economic challenges, including an aging population, outmigration of youth, and labor market shortages. The AIP aims to attract skilled workers, international graduates, and their families to settle and contribute to the region’s growth.

This program operates under the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) framework, with each Atlantic province’s immigration streams tailored to its specific needs. Through the AIP, applicants can gain permanent residency in Canada by fulfilling the eligibility criteria set by the respective province they intend to settle in. The AIP is a testament to the commitment of the federal and provincial governments to support regional development and immigration integration in the Atlantic provinces.

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP)

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP), once considered a pilot initiative, has now transitioned into a permanent immigration program in Canada. Originally launched in 2017, the AIPP was initially introduced as a trial program to address the Atlantic provinces’ labor market needs and demographic challenges.

However, due to its success and positive impact on the region, the Canadian government decided to make the AIPP a permanent fixture of the country’s immigration landscape. This move signifies a long-term commitment to attracting skilled workers and international graduates to the Atlantic provinces, bolstering their economies and addressing labor shortages.

As a permanent program, the AIPP continues to offer eligible candidates pathways to permanent residency in Canada through its three main immigration streams: the Atlantic High-Skilled Program, the Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program, and the Atlantic International Graduate Program.

Employers in the Atlantic provinces can still use the AIPP to hire foreign workers for positions they cannot fill locally, guaranteeing that companies may obtain the talent they require in order to prosper. Meanwhile, individuals seeking to immigrate to Canada can leverage the AIPP to pursue opportunities in the vibrant and welcoming communities of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador.

Overall, the transition of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program into a permanent program underscores its importance in supporting the economic growth and development of the Atlantic region while providing valuable pathways for skilled individuals to build their futures in Canada.

Discover your pathway to the Atlantic Immigration Program!

Benefits of the Atlantic Immigration Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program offers a myriad of benefits for both immigrants and the Atlantic provinces. For immigrants, it provides a pathway to permanent residency in Canada, a country known for its high quality of life, economic opportunities, and cultural diversity. Through the AIP, skilled workers and international graduates can access employment opportunities in various industries, contribute their skills and expertise to local businesses, and establish themselves as valuable members of their communities.


For the Atlantic provinces, the AIP is a vital tool for addressing labor market shortages and stimulating economic growth. By attracting skilled individuals and families to the region, the program helps to fill critical job vacancies, drive innovation, and diversify the local workforce. Moreover, the presence of newcomers enriches the cultural fabric of Atlantic communities, fostering greater inclusivity and global connectivity. Overall, the benefits of the Atlantic Immigration Program extend far beyond individual immigrants, contributing to the prosperity and sustainability of the entire region.

Eligibility Requirements for the Atlantic Immigration Program

To be eligible for the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP), applicants must meet certain criteria established by the participating Atlantic provinces. These criteria may vary slightly depending on the specific stream and province of interest. Generally, applicants must genuinely intend to reside in one of the Atlantic provinces and contribute to its labor market and community development.

The level of education is a major factor in deciding eligibility for the AIP, with most streams requiring a minimum level of education equivalent to a Canadian high school diploma or higher. Additionally, applicants must possess relevant work experience in an eligible occupation, as determined by the National Occupational Classification (NOC) system. Language proficiency in English or French is also a key requirement, as it ensures that immigrants can effectively communicate and integrate into their new communities. Finally, applicants must demonstrate their ability to financially support themselves and their families upon arrival in Canada through employment or other means of financial stability.

Work Experience

Over the past 5 years, you should have accumulated a minimum of 1,560 work hours, which is equivalent to the number of hours you would have worked in one year if you were employed for 30 hours per week.

To calculate your hours:

  1. Include hours worked in both part-time and full-time positions.
  2. Only consider paid hours of work; volunteering or unpaid internships do not count.
  3. Exclude hours worked while self-employed.
  4. Include hours worked within or outside Canada, provided you were legally permitted to work in Canada as a temporary resident.
  5. The hours should have been accrued over a period of at least 12 months.
  6. Work experience gained during studies can be counted as long as the total work hours do not exceed the authorized limit.

Educational Requirements

You must meet one of the following criteria:

  1. If you have a job offer in the NOC 2021 TEER categories 0 or 1, you must hold a Canadian post-secondary educational credential of at least one year in duration or its equivalent obtained outside Canada.
  1. If you have a job offer in the NOC 2021 TEER categories 2, 3, or 4, you must possess a Canadian high school diploma or its equivalent obtained outside Canada.

However, if you completed your education outside Canada, you must obtain an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to verify that your qualifications meet or exceed the required educational level for your job offer.

Your ECA report must be dated no more than 5 years prior to the date of your application for permanent residence.

The educational qualification must have been completed no more than 24 months before the date on which you submitted your application for permanent residency.

Language Requirements

If you achieve the minimum score in all four abilities, please ensure to enclose a copy of your test results along with your application.

These results should be dated within the past two years from the date of your application. It’s advisable to retain a copy of these results for your personal records and potential future use.

The required minimum score varies depending on the NOC 2021 TEER category of your job offer:

– CLB 5 is required for job offers in TEER categories 0, 1, 2, or 3.

– CLB 4 is required for job offers in TEER category 4.

Settlement Funds

You must arrive in Canada with enough money to sustain your family and yourself. The required amount depends on the size of your family, including any dependents you support who are not immigrating with you.

Find out the specific funds you should have upon your arrival in Canada.

If you are currently residing and employed in Canada with a valid work permit, you are not required to provide proof of funds.

Contact us for more information about the Atlantic Immigration Program

Temporary Work Permit

If you’re considering immigrating through the Atlantic Immigration Program, you can apply for a temporary work permit alongside your permanent residence application. This temporary permit allows you to work while your permanent residency application is being processed, allowing you to establish yourself in Canada’s Atlantic provinces. However, it’s important to note that obtaining a temporary work permit does not guarantee approval of your permanent residence application.

The temporary work permit available through the Atlantic Immigration Program is specifically designed for program participants. It is valid for two years and restricts you to working only for the employer who has offered you the job in the Atlantic region. This work permit is a practical solution for individuals seeking valuable work experience in Canada while navigating the immigration process.

You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for a temporary work permit. This includes getting a job offer from a designated employer that meets the program requirements and obtaining a referral letter from the Atlantic province where you will be working. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate language proficiency, educational qualifications, and relevant work experience unless they are international graduates.

If you apply for a temporary work permit under the Atlantic Immigration Program, you’ll need to complete the application process online. First-time applicants must ensure that their application includes essential documents such as the job offer number, referral letter, and a signed form specifically for work permits exempted from a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) as part of the Atlantic Immigration Program. It’s crucial to carefully follow the application instructions and provide all required documentation to increase the likelihood of a successful application.

Application Process for the Atlantic Immigration Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) application process involves several steps to ensure that applicants meet the program’s requirements and are suitable candidates for immigration to the Atlantic provinces. Typically, the process begins with prospective immigrants submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the province they wish to settle in. The EOI indicates the applicant’s interest in immigrating through the AIP and allows provinces to assess their eligibility and suitability.

Once an applicant’s EOI is accepted, they may receive a Provincial Endorsement from the respective province, affirming their eligibility for the AIP. With this endorsement, applicants can then submit a complete permanent residency application to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). This application includes supporting documents, such as educational credentials, language test results, proof of funds, and undergoing medical examinations and security clearances. Throughout the process, applicants may receive guidance and support from provincial immigration authorities and designated settlement service providers.

Employer Engagement in the Atlantic Immigration Program

Employer engagement is a cornerstone of the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP), as it facilitates matching skilled immigrants with job opportunities in the Atlantic provinces. Employers play a vital role in the AIP by offering job opportunities to eligible immigrants and providing them with the necessary support to integrate into the workforce and community. To participate in the AIP, employers must meet certain criteria set by the respective province, including demonstrating a genuine need for skilled workers and a commitment to supporting newcomers’ settlement and integration.

Employers seeking to hire through the AIP must obtain a designated endorsement from the province, affirming their commitment to hiring and supporting immigrants through the program. This endorsement validates the employer’s credibility and ensures that they adhere to the program’s requirements and standards. In return, employers benefit from accessing a pool of skilled talent to fill critical job vacancies, addressing labor shortages, and contributing to the growth and prosperity of their businesses and communities. Overall, employer engagement is essential to the success of the AIP and its ability to meet the workforce needs of the Atlantic provinces.

Regional Designation and Endorsement

Regional designation and endorsement are integral components of the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP), which aims to channel skilled immigrants to specific communities within the Atlantic provinces. Regional designation refers to the process through which provincial authorities officially recognize communities in the Atlantic region as eligible to participate in the AIP. These designated communities are strategically chosen based on labor market needs, economic development priorities, and community capacity to support newcomers.

Employers within designated communities can then seek endorsement from the provincial government to hire skilled immigrants through the AIP. Endorsement signifies the province’s approval of the employer’s participation in the program and its commitment to supporting immigrants’ settlement and integration. By encouraging immigration to designated communities, the AIP helps distribute economic benefits more evenly across the Atlantic region, foster community growth and development, and alleviate population decline in rural and remote areas.

Contact us for more information about the Atlantic Immigration Program

Retaining Skilled Immigrants in the Atlantic Region

Retaining skilled immigrants in the Atlantic region is crucial for maximizing the benefits of the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) and ensuring the long-term success of immigrants and the communities they settle in. To achieve this goal, various strategies and support services are in place to assist newcomers with their settlement and integration process. These may include language training programs, employment assistance services, cultural orientation sessions, and community networking events.

Furthermore, initiatives promoting social inclusion and community engagement play a vital role in helping immigrants feel welcome and connected to their new environment. By fostering a sense of belonging and providing opportunities for immigrants to contribute their skills and talents to local initiatives and organizations, the Atlantic provinces can encourage immigrants to stay and become active participants in the region’s social, cultural, and economic life. Ultimately, retaining skilled immigrants in the Atlantic region benefits individual immigrants and their families and contributes to the overall vibrancy and prosperity of Atlantic communities.

Impact of the Atlantic Immigration Program on the Atlantic Provinces

The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) has profoundly impacted the Atlantic provinces, shaping their economic landscape, demographic profile, and social fabric. One of the most significant impacts of the AIP is its contribution to addressing labor market shortages and driving economic growth in key sectors of the Atlantic economy. The program has helped businesses thrive, increased productivity, and stimulated innovation and entrepreneurship by attracting skilled workers and international graduates to fill critical job vacancies.

Moreover, the AIP has played a pivotal role in rejuvenating the demographic profile of the Atlantic provinces, which have historically struggled with aging populations and the outmigration of young people. The influx of newcomers through the AIP has injected vitality into local communities, bringing diversity, cultural enrichment, and a renewed sense of dynamism. Immigrants who settle in the Atlantic region contribute to the workforce and their communities’ social and cultural life, enriching the region’s identity and strengthening its ties to the global community.

Comparison with Other Canadian Immigration Programs

Compared to other Canadian immigration programs, the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) stands out for its unique focus on addressing the specific needs and priorities of the Atlantic provinces. Unlike federal immigration programs, designed to attract immigrants to various regions across Canada, the AIP targets skilled workers and international graduates willing to settle and integrate into the Atlantic region. This targeted approach allows the Atlantic provinces to address their unique labor market challenges and capitalize on economic growth and development opportunities.

Furthermore, the AIP offers advantages over provincial nominee programs (PNPs) in streamlined processes, employer engagement, and community integration initiatives. For example, the program’s employer-driven model encourages employers in the Atlantic provinces to actively participate in the immigration process by offering job opportunities and supporting newcomers’ settlement and integration. Additionally, the AIP’s emphasis on regional designation and endorsement ensures that immigrants are directed to communities where their skills are in demand, fostering greater economic and social cohesion within the Atlantic region. By understanding the distinct features and benefits of the AIP relative to other immigration programs, prospective immigrants can make informed decisions about their immigration pathways and choose the option that best aligns with their goals and aspirations.

The Climate in the Atlantic Provinces of Canada

The climate in the Atlantic provinces of Canada varies depending on factors such as location, proximity to the ocean, and geographic features. Generally, the region experiences four distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter.

In the summer months, which typically span from June to August, temperatures in the Atlantic provinces can range from warm to hot, with average highs reaching into the 20s and even 30s degrees Celsius (70s to 90s Fahrenheit). Summers are often characterized by sunny days, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and beach outings.

Autumn, from September to November, brings cooler temperatures and vibrant foliage as the leaves change color. Temperatures gradually drop during this season, and rainfall increases, particularly in coastal areas. Fall is known for its picturesque landscapes and is a popular time for harvest festivals and outdoor excursions.

Winter in the Atlantic provinces, spanning from December to February, can be cold and snowy, especially in inland and northern regions. Coastal areas tend to experience milder temperatures due to the moderating influence of the ocean. Winters offer opportunities for activities such as skiing, snowboarding, and ice skating, with some areas boasting picturesque winter wonderlands.

Spring, from March to May, marks the transition from winter to summer. Temperatures begin to rise, and snow melts away, giving way to blooming flowers and budding trees. Spring in the Atlantic provinces can be unpredictable, with fluctuating temperatures and occasional rainfall, but it is a time of renewal and anticipation for the warmer months ahead.

Overall, the climate in the Atlantic provinces offers a diverse range of experiences throughout the year, from sunny summers to snowy winters, making it an appealing destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Embark on your journey to immigrate through the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) with ease. Mohaajer Holding offers invaluable support every step of the way, leveraging our extensive network of employers in the Atlantic region to secure a job offer tailored to your needs. Trust us to streamline your immigration process and pave the way for a successful transition to life in Canada’s vibrant Atlantic provinces. Contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can Mohaajer Holding assist me with the Atlantic Immigration Program process?

Mohaajer Holding provides personalized support and guidance throughout your Atlantic Immigration Program journey, from initial consultation to application submission, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

What services does Mohaajer Holding offer for individuals applying through the Atlantic Immigration Program?

Mohaajer Holding offers a range of services tailored to your immigration needs, including eligibility assessment, documentation assistance, application preparation, and ongoing support until you successfully settle in Atlantic Canada.

Is Mohaajer Holding experienced in helping individuals navigate the Atlantic Immigration Program?

 Yes, Mohaajer Holding has a team of immigration experts with extensive experience in the Atlantic Immigration Program, ensuring that clients receive accurate information, strategic advice, and efficient solutions for their immigration goals.

Can Mohaajer Holding help me find employment opportunities in Atlantic Canada under the Atlantic Immigration Program?

Absolutely, Mohaajer Holding collaborates with employers in Atlantic Canada to identify suitable job opportunities for skilled immigrants and assists in connecting qualified candidates with prospective employers to facilitate their immigration process.

How do I get started with Mohaajer Holding to explore my immigration options through the Atlantic Immigration Program?
Simply reach out to Mohaajer Holding to schedule a consultation. Our team will assess your eligibility, discuss your immigration goals, and provide you with personalized guidance on how to proceed with the Atlantic Immigration Program.
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